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What is the spirit of the Uni Apart Group for you - Alina Pietsch?

What is the spirit of the Uni Apart Group for you - Alina Pietsch?

What Makes the Uni Apart Group Special?

This question cannot be answered universally. Therefore, today we introduce our new employee, Alina Pietsch. We asked Alina three questions that describe her, her work, and her thoughts on the spirit of the Uni Apart Group. We hope you enjoy reading.

1. What is your area of responsibility, or which department do you work in at the Uni Apart Group?

Since April 2024, I have been working as a commercial property manager at Uni Apart. My area of responsibility primarily includes the organization, management, and handling of all rental and administrative tasks involved in the commercial property management for all buildings located in Ingolstadt that are under the administrative mandate of Uni Apart.

Supporting the WEG (residential property management), as well as assisting tenants, both from the office and on-site, is also important.

Therefore, collaboration with the team is very important to me.

2. What makes your job particularly interesting?

The interesting aspect of my job is the constant contact with property owners and tenants. Meeting new people and working with young individuals is very exciting and brings a lot of variety to the workday.

3. The slogan of the Uni Apart Group is "Friends of the House" – what does this mean to you and how do you implement this slogan in your work?

To me, the slogan "Friends of the House" means that at Uni Apart, we strive to build a close and trustworthy relationship with tenants and property owners. We want to create a positive and supportive environment for the residents of our buildings and take their needs and concerns seriously.

My goal as a commercial property manager is to create a sense of community and appreciation for the residents. Everyone should feel comfortable, welcome, and valued at Uni Apart.

Uni Apart Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH
Schlüterstraße 3b
85057 Ingolstadt
© 2024 Uni Apart Gruppe. Freunde des Hauses.